
Airbnb hosts targeted by revenue for compliance checks and audits

Short term rental market is a target-rich environment for Revenue inspections and audits. Airbnb hosts targeted by Revenue This is an easy target for Revenue compliance [...]

By |2021-02-27T18:40:47+01:00February 27th, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Airbnb hosts targeted by revenue for compliance checks and audits

Taxation implications of Uber ruling in UK Supreme Court will be significant

UK Supreme Court Rules Against UBER Taxation aspects of this UBER ruling at the end of a 5-year legal battle will have significant implications for the gig [...]

By |2021-02-20T19:24:26+01:00February 20th, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Taxation implications of Uber ruling in UK Supreme Court will be significant

Ignoring correspondence from Revenue does not make the problem go away

Unbelievably,  approximately 2,500 employers have failed to engage with Revenue when selected for the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme compliance check. Revenue issued all these employers with reminders which were [...]

By |2021-02-20T18:57:43+01:00February 20th, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Ignoring correspondence from Revenue does not make the problem go away

Self-review of your tax affairs can avoid penalties and interest

Self-review tax analysis can be very helpful. Act now. 'Self-review' is an increasingly important tax analysis process to avoid major penalties and interest on tax settlements which can [...]

By |2021-02-20T19:21:11+01:00February 13th, 2021|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Self-review of your tax affairs can avoid penalties and interest